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IIDRN Timeline



Save the date:

2025 International Indigenous Dementia

Research Network (IIDRN) Annual Conference 


October 20-23, 2024 

Honolulu, HI


The aim of this conference is to advance research in the area of Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias (ADRD) in Indigenous populations worldwide. We will bring together leading scientists, policy makers, Indigenous Elders, Indigenous communities and organizations, people living with dementia, and trainees to exchange information on current research and advancements concerning ADRD in the context of health equity. Other aims are to support collaboration, career development, and relationship building to grow the scientific community to address the increasing dementia disparities in Indigenous populations.


Recognizing that ADRD in Indigenous populations is still a developing field of research, this conference will serve as a launching site to build and support research capacity and sustain scientific advancement in the field. Our long-term goal is to create an expanded, sustainable, supportive, worldwide network of scholars committed to knowledge exchange and collaboration to advance research, knowledge, and mentorship in community-based, culturally appropriate ADRD research with Indigenous populations.


  • Do I have to be an IIDRN member to attend or present at the conference?
    No, but we really encourage you to join IIDRN! There are no membership fees. Contact us to join IIDRN.
  • When and where is the 2025 conference?
    The 2025 conference will be held from Monday 20 October 2025 through Thursday 23 October 2025. The conference will take place in Honolulu, Hawaiʻi, USA, at the Waikiki Beach Marriott Resort & Spa.
  • Can I attend the conference virtually?
    No. At this time, the conference is in-person only.
  • Can I bring children or guests with me to the conference?
    Yes. Guests including spouses/partners, other family members, or children or adults who you take care of are welcome to attend conference sessions at no additional cost, with the exception of meals, snack breaks, and receptions (see below). We ask that you excuse yourself from any session if you or your child or guest needs space for activities that could be considered disruptive to presenters or other attendees. Please note that conference meals, snack breaks, and receptions are reserved for registered attendees only. (If there is extra food leftover after all registered attendees have gotten their food, we may allow guests of attendees to join, but this is not guaranteed.) If you wish to bring your child or guest to all sessions including meals, snack breaks, and receptions, you should register your child or guest for the conference as a community member under the Community Member category. Please refer to our conference policies for additional details about bringing children or guests, as well as local childcare options.
  • When can I register for the conference?
    Timeline for registration:​ February 24-July 14: Early bird registration July 15-September 15: Regular registration September 16-October 20: Late registration Register here:
  • Will I automatically be registered for the conference by submitting an abstract?
    No. The presenter (whoever will attend the conference and present the work) must register for the conference separately.
  • What are the different registration categories?
    We have 3 different registration categories: Professional, Trainee, and Community Member/Elder. o Professional: Includes university faculty or staff; research professionals or staff; health care and allied health professionals including physicians, nurses, dentists, psychologists, social workers, occupational therapists, etc.; health care administrators; and health policy makers. o Trainee: Includes undergraduate or graduate students (currently enrolled in a degree program) and post-doctoral fellows. o Community Member/Elder: Includes Indigenous Elders and other interested people who do not fit into the professional or trainee categories above. Please make sure you register under the correct category! Registering under the incorrect category may result in your registration being canceled. If this occurs, your registration fees will be fully refunded, minus a 2.5% processing fee, and we would encourage you to re-register under the correct category. If you have questions about which registration category you should select, please contact us at
  • Are you offering group rates for registration?
    No, unfortunately we are not offering group rates this year.
  • If my plans change and I can no longer attend the conference, can I cancel my registration? Can I be refunded for the cost of my registration fee?
    Yes, you can cancel your registration by contacting us at You may get a partial refund of your registration fee, depending on when you cancel: • If you cancel before August 15th 5:00pm CDT (UTC -5) you will receive a full refund, minus a 2.5% administrative fee. • If you cancel after August 15th 5:00pm CDT (UTC -5) but before October 3rd 5:00pm CDT (UTC -5), you will receive a refund of 50% of your registration cost, minus a 2.5% administrative fee. • If you cancel after October 3rd 5:00pm CDT (UTC -5), you will not receive a refund.
  • When can I submit my abstract for the conference?
    February 24-May 12: Abstract submission open
  • Can I submit more than one abstract?
    Yes, you may submit as many abstracts as you want. However, please note that each attendee will be allowed to present a maximum of 1 paper (oral) presentation at the conference; you may submit multiple abstracts for paper presentations, but a maximum of 1 per presenter will be accepted in this category. At this time, there is no such limit for poster presentations.
  • What is the difference between an abstract submitter, author, and presenter?
    · The abstract submitter is the person who logs in to submit the abstract. The submitter can be anyone—that is, they do not need to be an author on the abstract, nor do they need to be the person who would present the abstract at the conference. The submitter is the person who will receive all communication about the abstract from conference organizers, up to the point of acceptance or rejection (including the actual notification of acceptance/rejection). The submitter will be responsible for disseminating any communications from conference organizers to the abstract’s authors. · Authors are the people who made significant contributions to the work being reported in the abstract and/or to the writing of the abstract itself. Who should be included as an author is determined by each individual project or research team. Every author should have the chance to review and approve the abstract before it is submitted. Every author should be listed during the abstract submission process, even if they are not attending the conference or are not the person presenting the work. · A presenter is an author who will present the work at the conference if the abstract is accepted. The presenter is not required to be the first author listed on the abstract. There may be multiple presenters. All presenters must register for the conference and attend the conference session in which they are presenting. After an abstract is accepted, the presenter will receive all communication from conference organizers, including information about the conference schedule and guidelines for their presentation. The presenter will be responsible for disseminating any communications from conference organizers to the abstract’s other authors.
  • When will I find out if my abstract has been accepted or not?
    June 18: Notice of acceptance for papers/posters
  • Can I edit an abstract I already submitted?
    Yes, you can continue editing your abstracts until the submission deadline. To edit your submitted abstract: Log into your account in the abstract submission portal, go to your event dashboard, and click View on the event your submission is associated with. To edit a submission you have already made, click on Edit (on your personal dashboard). You can edit any submission, even if it is complete, subject to deadlines and settings. Make the changes required to your submission, scroll down to the bottom of the form, and then click on Submit in the bottom right of the form. If the submission deadline has passed, Edit will be greyed out, and clicking on the title link will direct you to a read only version of your submission. However, if you notice an error in your submitted abstract or if you need to change who is listed as a presenter after the deadline has passed, you may contact us at We will do our best to ensure that any changes made to abstracts after acceptance are reflected in the conference program, but we cannot guarantee this.
  • Can I withdraw an abstract I already submitted?
    Yes. To withdraw an abstract before the submission deadline, log into your account in the abstract submission portal. Go to your dashboard and click on Show list of related symposia. Next, choose the symposium title your submission is attached too, then scroll down to the Submissions section, and click Remove. You will then be prompted with a warning. Click OK if you would like to go ahead. Click Continue to return to your dashboard. To withdraw an abstract after the submission deadline, please email us at We will do our best to ensure that a withdrawal made after an abstract has already been accepted is reflected in the conference program, but we cannot guarantee this.
  • Can we submit panel proposals?
    No. At this time, we are not accepting proposals for panel presentations. However, we encourage you to submit your abstract as an individual presentation. We will be grouping accepted presentations into sessions based on topics/themes.
  • Can I present work that I previously presented elsewhere or published? Would I be able to present this work again at another conference?
    We strongly encourage you not to present work that has been previously published as an article in a peer-reviewed journal. However, you are welcome to present work that has previously been presented at a different conference or other professional meeting. If you present original work at the IIDRN Annual Conference, you are also welcome to present that work at other conferences or professional meetings in the future, provided that the other conference/meeting also allows for this.
  • Is it possible for my collaborators and I to have sequential presentations or presentations within the same conference session?
    No. Unfortunately, we are not able to accommodate requests for specific groupings of presentations. We will be grouping accepted presentations into sessions based on topics/themes, so it is possible that you and your collaborators’ presentations may be grouped together, but we cannot guarantee this.
  • Can I request a specific presentation date or time?
    No. Unfortunately, we are not able to accommodate requests for specific presentation dates or times.
  • Will the accepted abstracts or presentations be published somewhere?
    We reserve the right to publish accepted abstracts and/or lay summaries in our conference program, which will be posted on our publicly-accessible website. The presentations themselves (e.g., slide decks, posters) may be shared on the IIDRN Basecamp site (accessible to members only) after the conference, but only after receiving explicit permission from presenters.
  • Do I have to stay at the conference hotel?
    We have reserved blocks of rooms at two hotels—the conference hotel and another hotel in the area. We encourage you to stay at these hotels to take advantage of our discounted rates (see below), but it is not required. If you reserve your hotel room using the links on our website, you will get a discount of $25-$30 USD per night (depending on the hotel) on the resort fee. If you reserve your room at either of these hotels but don’t use links on our website, you will not get this discounted resort fee.
  • Is there parking available at the conference hotel?
    Yes, parking is available at the conference hotel for a fee. This fee is discounted for conference attendees; to get this discount, find any member of the conference staff during the conference to get your parking validated.
  • What if I have other questions?
    If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us through our website or by emailing

Funding for this conference was made possible in part by grant number 1R13AG085939-01 from the National Institute on Aging. The views expressed in written conference materials or publications and by speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services, nor does mention by trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.

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