Conference Policies
A. ID badge policy
Please wear your IIDRN Conference ID name badges at all times while attending conference events, including during meals provided by the conference.
B. Code of conduct and safety plan
The IIDRN Annual Conference is committed to providing a safe, accessible, and equitable experience for all participants. Discrimination or harassment of any kind will not be tolerated. By attending this conference, participants agree to abide by the following code of conduct.
The following behaviors are examples of discrimination or harassment and will not be tolerated:
Visual conduct such as leering; making sexual or offensive gestures; displaying sexually explicit or suggestive images or objects; or displaying images or objects that show hostility towards, perpetuate negative stereotypes about, or could otherwise be offensive to groups of people, especially minoritized racial/ethnic groups, sexual or gender minorities, those living with disabilities, and other protected classes and minoritized groups
Verbal or written abuse or conduct such as the use of epithets/slurs; sending or making sexual or suggestive comments/messages, jokes, or invitations; sending or making comments/messages about another’s physical appearance; or sending or making otherwise derogatory, harassing, or threatening comments/messages, including those that show hostility towards, perpetuate negative stereotypes about, or could otherwise be offensive to groups of people, especially minoritized racial/ethnic groups, sexual or gender minorities, those living with disabilities, and other protected classes and minoritized groups
Physical abuse or conduct such as assault; impeding/blocking movement; or any unwanted or offensive physical contact of a threatening or sexual nature including touching another’s body or touching/display of one’s own body
Retaliation of any kind, including retaliation for negative responses to sexual advances or retaliation for reporting, or threatening to report, harassment
Sustained disruption of any portion of the event, such as, but not limited to, verbally or physically disrupting speakers or other attendees or damaging or taking property.
Other behavior that could reasonably impact the ability of other attendees to fully and freely participate in the event, regardless of whether the behavior occur during the event, at one of the event’s social functions or on the event premises, such as, but not limited to, intoxication, loud use of electronic devices, and shouting.
Any attendee who experiences or observes discrimination or harassment should report this behavior as soon as possible to a member of the IIDRN Annual Conference staff. Reports may be made in person to any conference staff member (wearing IIDRN conference T-shirts labeled STAFF), or by email to
Such reports will remain confidential and only be shared among the IIDRN Annual Conference organizers (including the Conference Planning Committee and IIDRN Executive Committee) who will determine appropriate actions. Conference organizers will discuss further with the reporting party if needed and meet to assess the allegations and collect additional evidence as appropriate (e.g., copies of any harassing messages). Conference organizers will take all reasonable actions to manage attendees who are determined to violate this code of conduct during conference events, up to and including removal from the conference, cancellation of any membership in the IIDRN organization, and denying access to future IIDRN events.
Attendees may also file a complaint of discrimination or harassment with the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office for Civil Rights (OCR): Making a report to the IIDRN Annual Conference staff is not required in order to file a complaint with HHS OCR, nor does making a report to or seeking assistance from the IIDRN Annual Conference staff prohibit filing a complaint with HHS OCR. Attendees may also notify the National Institutes of Health (NIH) of any concerns related to discrimination or harassment at this conference online at or by phone at +1 (301) 480-6701.
If there is an immediate threat to your physical safety, or if you believe you have been the victim of a crime, contact local law enforcement by calling 911.
This code of conduct applies to all IIDRN Annual Conference events, including any preconference activities, all conference sessions, breaks, meals, and receptions. Any questions or concerns related to harassment or this code of conduct may be directed to IIDRN Annual Conference staff—either in person to any conference staff member or by email to—or to the HHS OCR (
Thank you in advance for creating a safe, accessible, and equitable environment to support the advancement of Indigenous dementia research worldwide.
C. Photo and audio/video recording policy:
Photographs and/or videos may be taken throughout the conference, both by IIDRN staff and by other conference attendees. Attendees and presenters may indicate their preferences for photography/videography in two ways:
1. If you prefer not to be photographed or recorded, you may place a “no photos” sticker on your conference badge. See the Check-In & Information Table (outside of the Kona Moku Ballroom) or a member of the conference staff for a sticker.
No photographs or videos of me
2. For presentations, presenters may indicate their preferences via verbal announcement or displaying the following symbols:
No photographs or videos of my presentation/poster
Photographs or videos of my presentation/poster are okay for your own personal use
Photographs or videos of my presentation/poster and sharing are okay
If you indicate a preference for you and/or your presentation to not be photographed or recorded, IIDRN staff will not intentionally photograph or record you or your presentation. However, please note that we cannot guarantee the omission of your presence or your presentation from the background of all photographs or videos of the conference.
All conference attendees are asked to respect the wishes of their fellow attendees and presenters with regard to photography/videography. Because of the proprietary nature of data and the reporting of preliminary, unpublished research, any photography, filming, taping, recording or reproduction in any medium of any of the programs, talks or data/posters/slides presented at the IIDRN conference is prohibited unless the presenter clearly indicates their permission verbally or by displaying the appropriate symbol. If a presenter indicates that they are open to photography or recording, please use common courtesy and do not be disruptive or distracting, either to the presenter or fellow audience members. Similarly, the subsequent dissemination of any photograph, video, or other recording in any medium of any of the programs, talks, or data/posters/slides presented at the IIDRN conference is prohibited unless the presenter clearly indicates their permission verbally or by displaying the appropriate symbol.
Sharing your experience on social media is encouraged to add to the discussion and excitement of the IIDRN conference, as long as it complies with this and other conference policies. Sharing images on social media that contain discernable research data (i.e., image of a poster or slide) is prohibited unless the presenter clearly indicates their permission verbally or by displaying the appropriate symbol.
Violation of this policy may result in appropriate penalties, up to and including removal from the IIDRN conference and denial of entry to future IIDRN conferences and events. Please direct questions regarding this policy to
D. Conflict of interest disclosure:
Presenters are asked to clearly disclose any potential conflicts of interest (COIs) that could be reasonably perceived as related to the content of their presentation. The purpose of COI disclosure is to improve transparency and allow the audience to make their own assessments about whether certain factors or relationships may increase risk of bias in the work being presented. COI disclosures should name the conflicting organization and explain the nature of the potential conflict and its relevance to the presentation content. The format of the disclosure may vary depending on the type of presentation.
E. Accessibility best practices:
It is our policy to make arrangements and accommodations such that no person feels excluded due to disabilities, allergies, or personal preferences. We recognize that some disabilities are invisible and that not all disabilities require accommodation. We do not require attendees to disclose their needs, but you are free to contact conference staff to request individualized support: Tracy Kemp may be reached by email at, or you may seek out a member of conference staff in person at the conference. We encourage attendees to make these requests prior to the conference to ensure appropriate accommodations, but we will do our best to fulfill requests made on-site.
We encourage attendees and presenters to consider the needs of others when planning their presentations, communications, and interactions. We promote the use of inclusive language throughout the conference and sponsored events.
As a courtesy to those with sensitivities to chemicals and scents, we ask that attendees refrain from using perfume/cologne or other scented products.
We ask that all attendees respect smoke-free environments, respect accessibility-designated rows in presentation rooms, and use a microphone when speaking publicly.
F. Conference Guests and Childcare
To promote inclusivity for those attendees with caretaking responsibilities, we welcome children and adult dependents to attend conference sessions with registrants. Registrants may also bring other types of guests (including a spouse/partner, babysitter/caretaker, etc.) to conference sessions at no additional cost. Please note that, while dependents or guests are welcome at all conference sessions, conference meals will be provided to registrants only. Any dependents or guests must also be accompanied by a registrant who is wearing a conference badge at all times during conference sessions. For all conference attendees, we ask that you excuse yourself from any session if you or your dependent or guest needs space for activities that could be considered disruptive to presenters or other attendees.
The IIDRN Annual Conference does not directly provide childcare services. For registrants in need of childcare, several local options are available and able to come to the conference hotel, including those listed below. Please note that this list is provided as a courtesy only; this list is not comprehensive, nor is it an endorsement of any of the included childcare providers. Registrants must arrange and pay for childcare themselves.
Aloha Sitters
Phone: +1 (808) 861-7294
Island Kid Sitters
Phone: +1 (808) 354-0585
Hawaii [Poppins] Keiki Waikiki
Phone: +1 (808) 931-8086
Note: Located at the conference hotel, but is open to the public