Register for #IIDRN25
Timeline for registration:​
February 24-July 14: Early bird registration
February 24-May 12: Abstract submission open
June 18: Notice of acceptance for papers/posters
June 18-July 28: Trainee scholarship applications open
August 8: Notice of scholarship awards
July 15-September 15: Regular registration
September 16-October 20: Late registration
Cost for registration:
Early bird: $650 USD
Regular: $700 USD
Late: $750 USD
Trainees, community members, and Elders:
Early bird: $350 USD
Regular: $350 USD
Late: $350 USD
*Early bird or late registration does not apply for trainees, community members, or Elders
What do you get with your registration?
Meals including:
4 breakfasts plus coffee and tea all day (value of $424.00)
4 lunches (value of $261.00)
2 receptions (value of $112.00)
Totaling - $797
Admission to all conference activities including:
Panel discussions
Elder panel
Paper presentations by peers
Poster presentations by peers
Mentoring session for trainees
Access to special interest groups
Cultural presentations
Networking Opportunities
Swag bag